Peace is God’s Gift (12/1)

“They shall not harm or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).

The prophet Isaiah beautifully employs the image a mountain to proclaim the truth that peace, properly understood, is a gift of God, a divine grace. To the degree we make our way to the Lord’s mountain – that is, to see and to receive God’s presence and power in our daily living – we assuredly will experience peace.

The worldly understanding of peace is very different from the biblical point of view. The world trumpets peace being attained whenever fighting and violence is suspended. Thus, millions of fully armed soldiers tensely separated by a few miles along a latitudinal mark on the Korean peninsula committing to stopping the advance of their adversaries by any means is heralded as “peace”.

In contrast, the biblical perspective understands peace not as a political or military achievement but as no less than God’s own gift. God’s presence and power brings forth true and lasting peace in the minds and hearts of all who dare to recognize Him and sincerely receive Him.

Today, ask God for His presence and power to flood your mind and heart.

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