16th Sunday in Ordinary Time [C] July 21, 2019

Luke 10:38-42
God’s Word spoken by Jesus always takes precedence. Mary is open to it and, thus, able to listen to it. So, too, must we first listen to God’s Word if we are to act rightly.


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time [C]

Today’s Gospel recounts the arrival of Jesus and his disciples at the house of their friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus in Bethany (Luke 10:38-42). Located a few short miles from Jerusalem, Jesus would stop to rest in the home of his beloved friends before going on up to the holy city. He experienced a marvelous sense of belonging in this place, surrounded by acceptance, love and joy.

What would it be like if we joyfully welcomed Jesus and cheerfully accepted His Word?

In this comfortable and peaceful home setting, the sisters reveal different attitudes that reflect their own uniqueness. Martha is consumed with the hard work of tending to the Lord Jesus and his disciples. On the other hand, Mary sat at the Lord’s feet listening to His teaching.

What would it look like if our daily actions were more closely aligned with our love of God?

It is precisely in the midst of daily responsibilities and duties and by means of them – not in spite of them – that God wants us to advance His Kingdom and sanctify the world. God wants us to dispense His Love in the home, in the factory, in the office, in the fields, in the classroom. Jesus wants us to meet Him in everyday living.

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