14th Sunday Ordinary Time [C] July 7, 2019

Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
Jesus sends His disciples out like sheep among wolves. Humanly speaking such a mission is utterly reckless. Supernaturally, however, our victory has been won by Jesus, the “Lamb that that slain.”

14 Sunday in Ordinary Time [C]

Today’s Gospel recounts Our Blessed Lord Jesus sending the disciples out to announce the coming of God’s Kingdom (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20). Everywhere they go miracles take place: the blind see, lepers are healed, sinners are forgiven and restored.

Disciples carry and bring to others God’s gift of peace, which is His very presence and power.

Although he Church of Christ receives the task to repeat this message until the end of the ages, we see a world that is not at peace. People clamor for peace, some even protest for it, and yet too few actually find it. Our own times seem tragically marked by the absence of peace. We witness ugly insults and despicable discrimination. Why is there such a proliferation of violence among peoples and nations?

Maybe the world is looking for peace where peace cannot be found. Maybe peace is confused with a quiet and simple life. Maybe peace is sought solely through external means such as borders and treaties and assurances of mutual destruction.

If everyone longs for peace, why are souls beset by so much anxiety, fear, edginess and sadness?

Peace is not a human invention but a divine gift. Real, genuine and lasting peace comes from God. Peace only is found among people of good will, among those who sincerely strive with their whole mind, their whole heart and all their strength to live their lives in accordance with God’s will.

The world is not capable of giving peace; only God can bestow it.

Bearers of God’s gift of peace – the very souls Jesus blesses as “peacemakers” – carry the presence and power of God everywhere they go. Let us receive God’s gift. Let us express our desire to the Living God to be the instruments of His presence and power who we have been created to be and take it to our families, to our places of work, to our friends and to the whole world.

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