Anointing of the Sick
“Is anyone among you sick? Let them send for the priests of the Church, and they will pray over them, and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus.”
James 5:14
Illness and suffering are especially difficult aspects of daily living. Christ’s own compassion for the sick is beautifully seen in the Anointing of the Sick. Administered by the priest through the laying on of hands and anointing with sacred oil blessed by the bishop, Holy Anointing is made readily available to those who are seriously ill, chronically ill and facing surgery. This Sacrament may be received more than once as it is not only for those who are at the point of death.
At Little Flower we celebrate Holy Anointing during a weekend Mass each fall.
Please call the Parish Office to receive Holy Anointing or to make arrangements for it to be administered to a family member or friend who is in special need of healing:
- Call 419.537.6655