Saint Barnabas (6/11)

Saint-Barnabas-199x200Today’s feast day commemorating the apostle Saint Barnabas, gives us special occasion to  pause and ponder the true size of our heart.  A name meaning son of consolation, Saint Barnabas is the one whom God inspires to introduce Saint Paul to the apostles after his own dramatic conversation.

Maybe it was because the one whose name means son of consolation was seen  by the rest as steady, stable and spirit-filled.  He is an important figure in Jerusalem and Antioch, accompanied Saint Paul on his first missionary trek and was a relative of the Gospel writer Mark.

For sure, there were no lack of challenges and difficulties in the life of Saint Barnabas – son of consolation. So, then:

  • What is your disposition toward those whom you meet that are downcast or discouraged?
  • How do you engage family and friends who are distanced from Christ and His Church?

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